
Uitgelicht – we have a dream

Vandaag is het vijftig jaar geleden dat Martin Luther King werd doodgeschoten. En exact op deze datum brachten Kim Hoefnagel & Fleur Vink een nieuwe versie van deze indrukwekkende speech ten gehore tijdens het Contentcafé.  Twee tweedejaarsstudenten die zo gegrepen waren door de legendarische woorden van deze bekende mensenrechtenactivist dat ze daar hun eigen variant op maakten.
Indrukwekkend. Toen en nu, in een dag gevangen. Niet gepland, maar vast geen toeval.

Een nieuw verhaal in een ‘oude jas’. Inspirerende woorden in deze onrustige tijd. We kunnen het niet laten om de droom van Kim en Fleur met iedereen te delen! En zo blijkt die belangrijke boodschap van destijds nog niet aan waarde ingeboet.

We have a dream

We say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of yesterday, today and tomorrow, we still have a dream.
We have a dream that one day this world will live up to its full potential. A world where everyone can feel safe and sound. Where everyone is treated like equals. Because we are, we just don’t act like it.
We have a dream that one day everyone can live together in peace, no matter who they are. Where people from Rotterdam and Amsterdam, gay and straight, people of colour and white people can sit together.

We have a dream today

We have a dream that one day even North Korea, a country that’s full of injustice and breaks dozens of human rights, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
We have a dream that the future generation will one day live in a world where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, their sexuality or their sex. But rather by their character and abilities.

We have a dream today

We have a dream that one day all the wrongs will be made right, the bad will be made good and the negativity turns to positivity.
We have a dream that one day in America, with its cold-blooded gun violence, with its president having his lips dripping with the words of suppression and stupidity, that one day right in America little boys and girls will be able to express themselves the way they would like to.

We have a dream today.

We have a dream that one day every valley shall be exhalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight. That the beauty of mankind shall be revealed, and all will come together as one.

We have a dream today. Let’s make that dream come true!!!!!






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